Tattoo Aftercare
The healing period for each tattoo and individual will vary in lengh, but overall it usually takes approximately 2-3 weeks. During this time, follow the guidelines below to ensure your tattoo heals safely and well.
If you have the second skin applied to your tattoo, keep it wrapped for no more than 24hrs.
If you have gladwrap over your tattoo, keep it on for 2hrs then take it off.
When the film or gladwrap is off, wash the tattoo with warm water to remove any excess ink then pat dry with a clean towel.
Apply a small amount of Dr. Pickles (from Woolworths or from our studio) with clean hands. Do not use oil-based products, as they and can clog the pores, which can affect how well your tattoo heals.
Use our tattoo balm or Dr. Pickles for 3 times a day for the next 2/3 weeks or until the tattoo is fully healed.
After 3-4 days the tattoo will flake and get quite itchy. Do not scratch it! Use our tattoo balm or Dr. Pickles ointment to stop flaking.
Keep the tattoo area lightly moist during the healing period. Do not allow the tattoo to dry out.
Don’t touch the tattoo after handling pets
Keep the tattoo away from furniture or clothing with pet hair
No fake tan or tanning salon
No scratching picking or peeling
No swimming
No sauna, jacuzzi or baths
No sun on the tattoo
No shaving the tattoo area
No excessive exercise that promotes sweating; including gym work outs, boxing, cycling, contact sports etc.
If you experience any problems with the aftercare instructions or products recommended here, discontinue use immediately.